We are committed to ensuring that every user has a great experience using the eDiscovery Assistant platform. That’s why our team has been listening to feedback from users and eDiscovery experts finding ways to continually improve the experience for our users. This week we announced several enhancements this team has made that improve user experience and efficiency.
First, we’ve updated the look and feel of the system. These new styles are not only pleasing to the eye but are designed to make it easier and more efficient to navigate the system.
Classic User Interface
[one_half_last]New User Interface

- Better utilization of screen real estate to improve readability and use of features
- New dashboard display of case law metrics including new decisions, total decisions in the database and most cited issues
- Search navigation improved to allow users to move through results faster
- Case Law search updated for users to start with issues and leverage our content team’s work tagging all cases
- Separate search filters for Issues, Jurisdiction, Judge and Date to allow for easy search creation and modification
- Added boolean searching
- Simplified look and feel consistent with other web-based platforms
- Added in-application chat feature to allow users to reach out to our team for searching or content questions
Hear more about changes from our CEO, Kelly Twigger in the video below.
All of these enhancements are available today to all eDiscovery Assistant users. Existing clients can access them at log in and can toggle between the classic UI and New UI in the settings menu.
New eDiscovery Assistant users will land in the new user interface by default upon logging in. Not a current user? You can sign up for a free 30 day trial.
As always, we’re eager to hear what you think. If you have feedback on these enhancements or ideas for additional enhancements you’d like to see, please submit them through our chat on the platform or send us an email at support@ediscoveryassistant.com.